These notes are provided for new (and potential) users of Exning Community Church Hall to let you know how we can help promote your events.
Please note there is no charge for this service (it’s included in the hiring fee).
For regular events. See
- Your event will be included on the “Regular Classes and Meetings List” which includes the day, time, name of your event, name of leader and contact information (including your website if you have one).
Notes on help to promote your activities and events
A panel can be provided on that page with a brief explanation of the activity e.g.
- A link from that can point to:
- Your website
- Your Facebook Page
- A page on the ECCH website which we will prepare. For this you will need to provide information about the activity and, if possible, a photo or two – or a copy of a poster you may have prepared (ideally in an electronic form – but it could be scanned from a paper one)
- If you are having a special launch event this can be noted on the ECCH “Welcome” page “Future Events” panel and also on the Exning Village website “Exning.Net” ( and an email sent to the ECCH Events distribution list to people who have asked to be kept informed of events at ECCH
For “One-off” Events (or other non-regular events)
Your event can be advertised on the ECCH “Welcome” page “Future Events” panel and also on the Exning Village website “Exning.Net” ( an email sent to the ECCH Events distribution list to people who have asked to be kept informed of events at ECCH
- A link will be provided to a website where there is more information about your event e.g. on your website
- If there is no such existing page we can provide one on the ECCH website. For this you will need to provide information about the activity and, if possible, a photo or two – or a copy of a poster you may have prepared (ideally in an electronic form – but it could be scanned from a paper one)
- We can advise on local Social Media sites which you may wish to use.
- We have an email distribution list of people who have expressed interest in hearing about events and activities at ECCH and can send an email promoting your activity.
- We provide an “Ad Reel” for showing before films at “Village Cinema” and during “Music Builds Communities Singing for Fun”